Q&A: Writing Edition

Here’s a few little questions and answers I did based on my Instagram story I posted. I thought this would be a fun thing to do! What inspired you to start writing? When I was younger, I started a dream journal. I would, and still do, have very vivid dreams and I would always wake…

Reading Challenge Update:

I challenged myself to read 50 books this year.

Last year I challenged myself to read 25 and ended up with 40, so this year I shot high to hope for the best.

I use Goodreads to help be track my progress.

I don’t really consider myself a fast reader, especially if I get really into a series, I try to stretch it out as much as possible with those. But I do tend to read more than one book at a time depending on what I am doing and what mood I am in. Sometimes I struggle with reading really emotional books, and I lean more toward gentler, easy reads. Other times I want horror and tragedy and thriller. It truly just depends.

Mental Health Awareness Month

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is involved in our social, emotional and psychological well-being. It determines a lot of factors in our life including: how we handle stress, how we interact/relate to others, make everyday choices, feel, act and even think.


Paranoid. I took a psychology class last semester and one of the extra credit options was to take a psychoanalysis personality test. Crazy I know, but the results were intriguing. Stages of life: I’m always willing to take tests to find out who I am, and I know I’m not alone in that. I feel…

Things to Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

The truth about fitness and being healthy is that there is no right or wrong way to do it. The fact of the matter is we could all have the same workout plan and eat the same foods and still have different bodies. It’s just the way life is, so you have to customize your plan to what works best for you and what makes you feel the best. I hope this post was helpful in some way!

6 Things I learned in 2022

A lot can happen in a year. I feel like so many people do posts like this. I’ve gained inspiration from a blogger friend of mine, jennyinneverland. She has a wonderful list as well. When I was thinking about this past year as a whole. It certainly not what I was expecting but when is…

Year 2022

As 2022 came to a close, I reflected on the past year and the “bucket list” I made.

The goals for 2022 went from everything simple and doable to some big things that I’ve always wanted to do. Did I accomplish all of them? Not really. Is that okay? Absolutely. Because there will always be another year.

What’s on your goal list for 2023? Let me know in the comments!

The Book.

The Book. The Book has been a very hot topic lately. I talk very sparingly about it and I always include it in my yearly goals “start the book” “finish the book”. It’s there but I’ve never touched the topic much. To be quite honest with you I’m extremely superstitious. I harp on the idea…

Things I’ve Liked Recently

Things I’ve Liked Recently Where have I been? Hi friends, I apologize for my absence. This past semester of college had me stressed. I did my final exam last Saturday! **whoop whoop** so now I feel like I can focus my time on others things that I like and need to do. I have the…

How your environment impacts your mental health.

The human mind and body are interconnected and can be effected by many things, including the environment you’re in. I don’t think it’s a secret that everything from the house, city and the state you live to even the weather in your area, your social climate and work environment can have a huge affect on…