Quarter Life Crisis

I turned 25 last month. This is a big milestone in life. Mid-twenties. Young but you feel old. Dampered with responibilies with a heart that doesn’t want to feel heavy with burden. Not so long ago I wrote a post about Social Expectations of twenty-somethings and how it plays a role in the way we…

Societal Expectations + Life Update

I apologize for being MIA the past couple of weeks. I had started this blog post and hoped to get in out a couple of weeks ago but it got a little hectic in the process. Life Update! I’m going to start this post with my life update! Something cheery before we get to the…

How to Persist with a Positive Mindset

How to Persist with a Positive Mindset and Why Wake up every morning and be grateful with what you have! There are so many things that could be going wrong in your life and all of them are valid and I am in no way trying to dismiss any of them. I am just insisting…


Entanglements.   I just recently watched the Will and Jada Smith’s video four days after it was posted, the 12 minute video spiraled into viral effect as clips and memes popped up everywhere about Ms.Jada’s “entanglement” with August Alsina. Meme’s such as the ones shown below even some more graphic ones of August leaked nudes…

Run 4 Their Lives Virtual 5K

Good morning everyone! I’m so excited to talk about today’s topic which is (as titled) The Run 4 Their Lives Virtual 5K based out of Charlotte, NC! I have a good friend and fellow instagram blogger who is currently raising money to fight human trafficking and to bring justice for these women and children. I…

Creature of Habit.

I realized during this whole pandemic that I am such a creature of habit. I enjoy waking up at the same time each day. Going to work, taking my daughter to school or dance class or soccer practice, going to the gym while she’s in school, shopping in a store, running errands without feeling like…